
CEZ a.s.
Spółki zagraniczne ČEZ przynoszą pozytywne wyniki


Raport bieżący nr 37 / 2010
Data sporzÄ…dzenia: 2010-06-10
Skrócona nazwa emitenta
CEZ, a.s.
SpóÅ‚ki zagraniczne ÄŒEZ przynoszÄ… pozytywne wyniki
Podstawa prawna
Art. 56 ust. 1 pkt 2 Ustawy o ofercie - informacje bieżące i okresowe
Treść raportu:
W spóÅ‚kach zagranicznych Grupy ÄŒEZ również w roku ubiegÅ‚ym przebiegaÅ‚y procesy skierowane na podwyższanie ich wydajnoÅ›ci. Ogólnie już skumulowana EBITDA (zysk eksploatacyjny) spóÅ‚ek zagranicznych osiÄ…gnęła wiÄ™c prawie poÅ‚owy inwestycji. Na dywidendach ÄŒEZ zainkasowal 5,5 miliard koron.

Nazwa arkusza:


Foreign companies of the CEZ Group bring positive results

Even in the last year, the foreign companies of the CEZ Group
experienced processes the purpose of which was to enhance their
production capacity. In total, the accumulated EBITDA (operating income)
of the foreign companies has amounted to nearly half of the investment.
CEZ gains CZK 5.5 billion on dividends.

Despite the severe impacts of the economic crisis, CEZ succeeded in
meeting relevant economic indicators and implementing key changes in
accordance with the plan in 2009. “All our foreign acquisitions are
achieving the planned rate of return on a permanent basis and have
started to accumulate financial resources for the growth of the CEZ
Group. We have gained or decided on CZK 5.5 billion on dividends so
far,” says Tomas Pleskac, 2nd Vice-Chairman of the Board of Directors
and Chief Officer of International Division.

At the beginning of June, the CEZ Group started commissioning the first
stage of the largest on-shore wind-power farm in Europe. ”In Romania,
where we have been pursuing business activities in the area of
electricity distribution and supply so far, we are now entering the
market of power generation as well. After the entire wind-powered farm
with capacity of 600 MW has been put into operation in 2011, we will
have gained a ten-percent share in generation of electricity based on
renewable resources in Romania," says Tomas Pleskac.

The importance of the CEZ Group foreign portfolio is increasing from
year to year. At the end of 2009, CEZ owned 65 foreign companies with
15,997 employees. These companies have already contributed to CEZ’s
earnings with CZK 60 billion and represent more than one fourth of the
group’s fixed assets. In addition, the year of 2009 was the year of a
significant expansion of the CEZ Group when its acquisitions in Turkey,
Germany and Albania were finalized. Restructuralization processes were
thus newly started in particular in Turkey and Albania. “In the latter
of the stated countries, we focus on improvement of debt recovery and
illegal electricity tapping combat in accordance with the privatization
contract. The issue of this year but of the oncoming years as well is
transformation and restructuralization of this sole Albanian
distributor,” said Martin Pacovsky, Chief Officer of Foreign
Acquisitions Management Division.

“We manage our acquisitions by means of only several dozens of Czech
employees the number of which is being reduced. On a permanent basis, we
are trying to involve locals to maximum extent and to motivate them to
work for the CEZ Group. In addition, by rotation of managers round the
foreign companies, including the centre, we are achieving optimal
transfer of know-how from one country to another," says Tomas Pleskac.

In 2009, the foreign power plants of the CEZ Group generated approx. 4.5
TWh of electric energy and supplied nearly 4,400 TJ of thermal energy.
In the same period, the companies located in Bulgaria, Romania and
Albania supplied end-customers with 16.3 TWh of electricity and
distributed 20 TWh of electricity. Compare: the entire CEZ Group
generated 65.3 TWh of electricity and 13,040 TJ of thermal energy.

Table: Results of the foreign companies in 2009

Electricity generation

(TWh) Heat supply

(TJ) Sale of electricity to end-customers (TWh) Distribution of
electricity to end-customers


Foreign companies 4.5 4,389 16.3 20.0

CEZ Group in total 65.3 13,040 43.5 51.7

Share of foreign companies in the results of the CEZ Group 6.9 % 33.7 %
37.5% 38.6 %

Note: The table does not include results of the companies located in
Turkey and in Germany controlled by the CEZ Group together with other

History of the CEZ Group foreign expansion

The CEZ Group started its foreign expansion in January 2005 by takeover
of majority shares in three Bulgarian distribution companies on the
basis of a successful privatization selection procedure. In autumn 2005,
CEZ succeeded in the privatization selection procedure for purchase of
the majority share in Electrica Oltenia, the largest Romanian
distribution company. In 2006, the CEZ Group increased its foreign
portfolio by three generation plants, Elcho and Skawina, Polish power
plants, and Varna, a Bulgarian power plant. One year later, the most
important acquisition was the partnership with MOL, Hungarian oil and
gas company that focuses on construction of gas power plants. In 2008,
CEZ succeeded in gaining an important acquisition in the form of
construction of the largest European wind-powered park in Romania where
CEZ became a selected partner for the completion of units 3 and 4 of
Cernavoda nuclear power plant. At the end of 2008, CEZ was entrusted by
the Slovak Government to be a partner for the construction of Jaslovske
Bohunice nuclear power plant. Also in 2008, CEZ succeeded in entering
the Turkish market and won the privatization process for a distribution
company in Albania. Both the acquisitions were finalized in the course
of 2009 when the foreign portfolio of the CEZ Group was extended by
MIBRAG, a German mining and electricity company.

Kursy walut 2024-02-29

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