
Draft resolution supplement


Raport bieżący nr 108 / 2013
Data sporzÄ…dzenia: 2013-09-30
Skrócona nazwa emitenta
Draft resolution supplement
Podstawa prawna
Treść raportu:
E-Star Alternative Plc. (1134 Budapest, Klapka u. 11., Cg.: 01-10-045428, "Company") informs its reputable investors pursuant to Act no IV of 2006 on Business Associations and hereby publishes the resolution proposal in connection with agenda point no 6 (Decision on the Company’s auditor) of the annual general meeting:
The Board of Directors has previously informed its reputable shareholders’ that the Company is going to call for a tender for the person of auditor and collected many offers on the audit of financial year 2013.
The Company’s Supervisory Board and Audit Committee had examined and discussed the offers of BDO Magyarország Kft., Deloitte Könyvvizsgáló és Tanácsadó Kft., and Trusted Adviser Kft. and thereafter decided to recommend for the Board of Directors and Shareholders’ Meeting to elect BDO Magyarország Kft. to be the auditor of the Company for the audit of the Company’s annual and consolidated annual report regarding financial year 2013. Thus the Board of Director also recommended BDO Magyarország Kft. and a shareholder with influence exceeding 1% also submitted a resolution proposal as set forth below:

Resolution proposal:
The Shareholders’ meeting shall elect for the audit of the Company’s annual report for 2013 for a consideration of HUF 1,200,000 + VAT and for the audit of the Company’s consolidated annual report for 2013 for a consideration of HUF 2,500,000 + VAT for a definite period until 31 05 2014 as the auditor of the Company:

Name: BDO Magyarország Könyvvizsgáló Kft.
Registered seat: 1103 Budapest, KÅ‘ér utca 2/A.,
Registration number: Cg. 01-10-867785
Chamber number: 002387
Auditor personally liable for the audit:
Name: Ferenc Baumgartner chartered auditor
Address: 1037 Budapest, Kunigunda útja 22.,
Mother’s maiden name: Margit Szajki,
Chamber number: 002955

Kursy walut 2024-02-29

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