| | | Raport bieżący nr | 111 | / | 2013 | | | |
| Data sporzÄ…dzenia: | 2013-10-02 | | | | | | | | |
| Skrócona nazwa emitenta | | | | | | | |
| Temat | | | | | | | | | | |
| Extraordinary announcement | |
| Podstawa prawna | | | | | | | |
| Treść raportu: | | | | | | | | | |
| 1. E-Star Alternatív Energiaszolgáltató Nyrt. (“Company") informs its reputable investors the shares issued as the result of the capital increase have been created in favour of the below companies: 1. E-Star Reorganizáció-01 Kft. (number of shares: 2 123 980 units), 2. E-Star Transzfer-02 Kft. (number of shares: 24 626 875 units), 3. E-Star Debt-Equity-03 Kft. (number of shares: 3 634 918 units), 4. E-Star Capital-Share-04 Kft. (number of shares: 19 505 672 units). The Company informs its reputable investors that the companies appointed for the capital increase will not have any control over the Company during the period between the creation of the shares and their transfer to the creditors as pursuant to the Companies Act they will neither be entitled for exercising voting rights and nor will the shares be taken into account for the quorum. 2. The Company emphatically calls the attention of its creditors to follow the provisions set forth in the settlement with the creditors in order to implement the settlement with the creditors successfully, particularly but not exclusively including (i) sending the securities account number data required for crediting the shares by the deadline (Section 2.9.3. of the settlement with the creditors) and (ii) fulfilling the liabilities undertaken in relation with the transfer of bonds (Section 2.9.4. of the settlement with the creditors).
Details in the enclosure. | |