
ENEFI Romaniam legal disputes


Raport bieżący nr 16 / 2014
Data sporzÄ…dzenia: 2014-03-10
Skrócona nazwa emitenta
ENEFI Romaniam legal disputes
Podstawa prawna
Treść raportu:
ENEFI Energy Efficiency Plc. (the Company) hereby notifies its reputable Investors in connection with the on-going legal dispute in Targu Mures:
As published in the Company’s previous announcements informing the public, a petition had been filed against the City of Targu Mures in the amount of RON 124,040,561.19, the claim arises out of damages, public heating subsidy and consideration for services.
The Company hereby informs its reputable investors that the County Court of Targu Mures rejected the claim and approved the amended recourse claim of the City of Targu Mures.
Pursuant to the above decision the court declared the termination of the concession agreement unfounded despite of the fact that the City of Targu Mures previously acknowledged the breaches of the contract the termination was based on.
The decision is not final and the court’s reasoning has neither been delivered yet.
Taking into consideration the practice and experience gained in connection with the – also criticized at international level because of lack of fair trial - Romanian administration of justice the Company does not see the chance to recover its receivables, thus the book value thereof is HUF 0 (nil), and also accounted 100% impairment therefor at consolidated level.

Kursy walut 2024-02-29

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