


Raport bieżący nr 137 / 2016
Data sporzÄ…dzenia: 2016-11-01
Skrócona nazwa emitenta
Podstawa prawna
Treść raportu:
ENEFI Energy Efficiency Plc. _“Company"_ hereby informs its Honourable Investors that the
Romanian affiliate thereof, E-Star CDR srl. has informed the Company about the following:
1. In the lawsuit No: 1150/96/2016 heard at the Harghita County Tribunal _The action of the
Town of Gheorgheni in order to oblige CDR to continue the provision of service until the
closure of the lawsuit for the compensation of damages and for 90 days afterwards - by an
urgent order of the chairman_, the court decided at first instance to partially approve the action
of the Town and to oblige CDR to continue the provision of service until the final closure of
the lawsuit for the compensation of damages but not longer than 60 days starting on
13/10/2016. _Târgu Mures Regional High Court finally rejected the appeal of Gheorgheni city
with county authority against the Town Council and E-Star CDR srl by its decision announced
on 13/10/2016._ It also rejected the request for suspension of the Town submitted against the
termination and the notices of CDR for the takeover of the service.
According to the opinion of the Company, the Town shall exercise its right to appeal within
five days and although the result of the second instance decision is unpredictable, it deems a
court decision that would oblige CDR to provide services for years unlikely, particularly
being aware of the pervious facts. The appeal shall not have a dilatory effect on execution.
Nevertheless, the Company deems it likely that the Town shall try to prolong the obligation to
take over the service by commencing further legal proceedings in the following days.
2. In the lawsuit No: 1731/96/2015 heard at the Târgu Mures Regional High Court _default
interest claim on the concession fee_ the court finally rejected the appeal of the Town.
Therefore the Town finally lost its claim for default interest calculated on the concession
amounting to RON 583,888 against CDR.

Kursy walut 2024-02-29

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